Who is Julie Armstrong?
My main work has been as a Handwork Teacher in Rudolf Steiner Schools. In handwork, the head, heart and the hands are working together to create beautiful and useful articles. Another important thread in my life has been deepening my connection with nature. This led me to the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland, a community that teaches new ways for people to live in harmony with each other and with nature. Recently I have been learning to harmonies earth energies through dowsing. I also love walking in the mountains and exploring the textures and hues of nature through Felting.Julie’s inspiration

Gold and brown circles of felt inset into the landscape represent some of the important Aboriginal sites. Above the whole landscape in the sky, stands a golden silk Archangel Michael stretching his left arm to the heavens and the right holding a silver sword directed towards the earth.
Canberra is the 101 years ‘young’ Capital of Australia built in a landscape which has been cared for by Aboriginal groups for at least 21,000 years. It was the meeting place for the Ngunnawal Tribe and at least 6 other tribes who travelled great distances to celebrate important initiation and marriage ceremonies and to trade and settle disputes. Now it is home to 300,000 people and more than 90 Diplomatic Embassies. Much has changed in 101 years! Wherever we are on the Earth, there are signs that the world is on the brink of an ecological disaster. Usually unseen, the Archangel Michael, the Heavenly Warrior, Protector of All Life is standing in the Spiritual world urging us to wake up and to have the courage to take care of our place, wherever it is on this beautiful planet.
‘May human hearts be rightly enkindled with the courage to act for the good of the world.’